Symposium CG
Ceramic Thin Films and Coatings for Protective, Tribological and Multifunctional Applications

Sanjay SAMPATH, Stony Brook University, USA
Samir M. AOUADI,University of North Texas, USA
Christoper C. BERNDT, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Michael DUGGER, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Per EKLUND, Linkoeping University, Sweden
Rainer GADOW, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Ashutosh GANDHI, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Wayne L. GLADFELTER, University of Minnesota, USA
Tanvir HUSSAIN, University of Nottingham, UK
Shrikant JOSHI, University West, Sweden
Sang Sub KIM, Inha University, Korea
Luca LUSVARGHI, University of Modena & Reggio Emilia, Italy
Peter MECHNICH, DLR, Germany
Christian MITTERER, University of Leoben, Austria
Kevin PLUCKNETT, Dalhousie University, Canada
Kentaro SHINODA, AIST, Japan
Dmitry V. SHTANSKY, Nat.Univ.of Science & Technology "MISIS", Russia
Constantin VAHLAS, CIRIMAT, France
Robert VASSEN, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany
Sam ZHANG S., Southwest University, China
Hana BARANKOVA, Uppsala University, Sweden
Lutz-Michael BERGER, Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany
Giovanni BOLELLI, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Tom COYLE, University of Toronto, Canada
Michael DUGGER, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Per EKLUND / Arnaud LE FEBVRIER, Linkoeping University, Sweden
Ali ERDEMIR, Texas A&M University, USA
Robert FRANZ, University of Leoben, Austria
Mohit GUPTA, University West, Sweden
Tanvir HUSSAIN / Acacio  RINCON ROMERO, University of Nottingham, UK
Vikram JAYARAM, Indian Institute of Science, India
Shrikant JOSHI, University West Sweden
Christian KALSCHEUER, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Daniel MUMM, University of California, Irvine, USA
Jörg PATSCHEIDER, Evatec AG, Switzerland
Gobinda SAHA, University of New Brunswick, Canada
Sanjay SAMPATH, Stony Brook University, USA
Uwe SCHULZ, German Aerospace Center, Germany
Robert VASSEN, Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Germany
Andrey A. VOEVODIN, University of North Texas, USA
Martin WEBER / Markus MEJAUSCHEK, Fraunhofer IST, Germany
Ping XIAO, The University of Manchester, UK
This symposium focuses on cutting edge experimental, theoretical and manufacturing issues associated with advanced thin films and coatings deposition techniques and surface modification and functionalization processes. These processes allow the realisation of surfaces with enhanced properties and/or novel multi-functionality, thereby enabling them to meet present requirements and future challenges for more efficient, reliable, inexpensive and clean applications that serve the technological needs of our society. Of interest are materials systems based on oxide and non-oxide ceramics; new carbons; metal-ceramic, organic-ceramic and nano-composites; and hybrid and graded structures.

Focus will be on:
  • Advances in deposition, surface modification and nanostructuring techniques
  • Refined characterisation and properties at meso- to nanoscale
  • Protective coatings aimed at improving the often combined, thermal, chemical and mechanical degradation of components in corroding, oxidizing and generally harsh environments.
  • Thermal and Environmental barrier coatings (TBCs and EBCs) to increase the operating temperature of static and dynamic components in advanced gas turbines and in a number of other high temperature applications
  • State-of-the-art tribological thin films and coatings used in, for example, cutting tool and machining, medical devices, electronic displays, hard disks, optical coatings etc.
  • Smart and multifunctional thin films and coatings: self-cleaning, anti- microbial, anti-fouling, catalytic, electrically/magnetically/optically stimuli-responsive etc.
  • Multiscale materials and process modeling and simulation; data-base development for coatings
Session Topics

CG-1 Thin film deposision

CG-2 Thin film attributes

CG-3 Thick film, suspension spray and tribology

CG-4 Thermal and environmental barrier coatings


Cimtec 2022

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